Wednesday 10 March 2010


All of a sudden, there is an influx of new photographers, most of whom I don't know. I've taken a look at their work, where possible and am looking forward to working with fresh blood.

I have a good feeling about SPARKS9 - a really lovely feeling, in fact. There's a couple of by-proxy readings due to the authors living in New Zealand and Florida. There's some well-published authors and a few less well-known. I like it when it's like this - everyone equal, everyone taking centre-stage. Very good.

Tuesday 9 March 2010

SPARKS9 in recovery mode.

Now confirmed:

Jon Heath
Paul E. Toth (
Vanessa Gellard
Alan McCormick
Sam Mead (
Sara Crowley (
Emily McPhillips
Naomi Foyle


Erika Szostak
Me - Jo Mortimer

Tom Bamford

Dom Pates

Monday 8 March 2010


Sam Mead
Sam Mead - again!

James Burt

me - Jo Mortimer

Chloe Penney

me - Jo Mortimer

SPARKS9, April 6th....

has struggled with decent submissions. I can't bring myself to accept stories just to make up the numbers. I know that different people like different things but I am confident that all accepted stories and poems so far at SPARKS have been of a decent quality and it has to stay that way.

It gives me the fear a bit, sometimes, that I'm not going to be able to fill the night but it has always worked out. This time, though, is more of a problem. I put the call out on trusty Facebook and Twitter and this has made a difference so if you're reading this and fancy having a go, crack on with your best work and get it sent over, pronto!

Confirmed so far: Vanessa Gellard , Sam Mead ( and Alan McCormick.

Thursday 4 February 2010


It has been an age, I know. There have been two SPARKS since my last post. No excuses, but, well, life has changed so much. I work thirty hours a week and I'm doing a CW degree at Chichester University. In short, I'm knackered, most of the time. Still, we soldier on and I must say, it makes me very happy that SPARKS has continued to grow in the way it has. I never advertise it (well, facebook group - so, yeah, I do actually); I quite like the idea of it perculating around town by word of mouth - it is, after all, a spoken-word (and photography) night. I'll post up some photos in the next couple of days and a complete list of who's read over the last couple of months.